Searching and downloading

Once you have followed the steps on the Access data page, you can go to the repository and download data.

Browse datasets

Datasets are sorted by the date they were submitted (“Posted date”) and can be browsed in list or grid mode. If you find the data you are looking for, simply click on it and download it in the next screen.

Searching datasets

To perform a search for the data you want, click the Search button at the top of the page. This will initially display all datasets in the Big NIBS data group. Placing a phrase in this bar will return all datasets with that phrase anywhere in the metadata (across all metadata fields).

For example, typing Transcranial magnetic stimulation will return datasets containing the words Transcranial or magnetic or stimulation anywhere in their metadata fields. You can also use quotes to prioritise the exact phrase. E.g., “Transcranial magnetic stimulation”. 

Unlike the advanced search below, you do not have to use the full exact phrase here. For example, you can type Autism, rather than having to use the full population term Autism spectrum disorder. This type of search is probably sufficient for most purposes.

Advanced search

If you want to do a more focused search, you can search within specific metadata fields by entering the following syntax in the search field:

:field name: search term

For example from the below field (Type of NIBS), you could search for single or paired-pulse TMS data by entering:

:Type of NIBS: Single/paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation

For advanced searches, unlike in the above example, most fields must contain the exact text you are looking for, as it appears in our metadata field options. E.g., :Type of NIBS: Single/paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation will work, but :Type of NIBS: Single/paired-pulse TMS will not. The exact text in each field is provided in a table at the bottom of this page, so if you want to do an advanced search you can copy and paste the below text directly into the search bar.

For other fields, including Title, Author, and Description, you can search using single or multiple words. For example, :Title: evoked potential will return all datasets whose title contains the word evoked or the word potential. Also, :Title: “evoked potential” will limit the results to only datasets with a title containing the phrase evoked potential.

Searching across multiple fields

You can join field-specific searches using the AND and OR operators (these operators must be capitalised). For example, you can search for single or paired-pulse TMS data in Alzheimer’s disease patients by searching:

:Population: Alzheimer’s Disease AND :Type of NIBS: Single/paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation 

If you have any other questions about searching, please post them to the Slack workspace.

Metadata field options - for advanced searching

If you want to perform an advanced search, for the following fields, the search term must exactly match the value in the metadata field. You can copy and paste these into the search bar.

Field name Search term
:Keyword: Must exactly match one of the exact keywords as entered by the uploader
:Location: Must exactly match the Location as entered by the uploader
:Uploader name: Must exactly match the Uploader name as entered by the uploader
:Document type: Must exactly match one of the following:

  • Data
  • Analytic code
:Type of code: Must exactly match one of the following:

  • Analytic code for present project
  • Analytic code for other project
  • Analytic code for multiple merged datasets
  • Example/template analytic code
  • N/A — no code has been uploaded
:Code language: Must exactly match the code language as entered by the uploader
:Type of NIBS: Must exactly match one of the following:

  • Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (including TBS)
  • Single/paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation
  • Transcranial electrical stimulation
  • Transcranial infrared laser stimulation
  • Transcranial static field magnetic stimulation
  • Transcranial ultrasound stimulation
  • Other
:Type of NIBS – Other: Must exactly match the Type of NIBS – Other name as entered by the uploader
:Outcome/ Dependent Variable: Must exactly match one of the following:

  • Behavioural outcomes
  • Clinical rating scales
  • MEP latency
  • MEP amplitude
  • Other EMG outcomes
  • Silent period
  • Other
:Outcome/ Dependent variable – Other: Must exactly match the :Outcome/Dependent variable – Other: name as entered by the uploader
:Associated data description: Must exactly match one of the following:

  • Structural MRI
  • Neuronavigation data
  • Rs-fMRI
  • Task-based fMRI
  • EEG
  • NIRS
  • Genotype
  • Blood
  • Other
  • Not applicable
:NIBSds format: Must exactly match one of the following:

  • No
  • Yes
:Raw data included?: Must exactly match one of the following:

  • No
  • Yes
:Population: Must exactly match one of the following: Healthy Participants, Alzheimer’s Disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Anxiety Disorders, Apraxia, Ataxic Disorders, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Bipolar and Related Disorders, Cancer, Cerebral palsy and other paralytic syndromes, Depressive Disorders, Developmental Coordination Disorder, Diabetes, Diseases of myoneural junction and muscle, Disorders of Autonomic Nervous System, Disorders of Cerebrospinal Fluid Pressure or Flow, Disorders of Consciousness, Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders, Dissociative Disorders, Dystonia, Epilepsy or Seizures, Essential Tremor or Other Tremor Disorders, Fatigue Disorders, Feeding and Eating Disorders, Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration, Headache Disorders, Hemifacial Spasm, Huntington’s Disease or Other Choreiform Disorders, Hydrocephalus, Inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system, Lewy Bodies Disease, Migraine, Mild Cognitive Impairment, Motor Neuron Diseases or Related Disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, Myoclonic Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, Other Nerve, nerve root and plexus disorders, Other atrophies affecting the central nervous system, Other demyelinating diseases of central nervous system, Pain Disorders, Parkinsonian Disorders, Polyneuropathies and other disorders of the peripheral nervous system, Restless Legs Syndrome, Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders, Sleep-Wake Disorders, Speech or Language Disorders, Spinal Cord Disorders, Stroke or Other Cerebrovascular Diseases, Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders, Tinnitus, Tourette’s or Tic Disorders, Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders, Traumatic Brain Injury, Other